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AAS Arborfield Photo Album – General


Section 2


This section of photos contains a selection of those lost in a web site crash.  Luckily, somebody had foreseen that such an event was likely to occur, and made provision to download a good number before it took place.  Original contributors are unknown.  Information on the content is scant and I have put forward some guesswork.  Any information as to ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘why’ would be welcome so that they can become records of those particular moments in time.  They are part of our Arborfield History and, as such, deserve to be displayed.  The original quality of some left much to be desired and attempts have been made to make them more ‘viewable’.

If you can fill in some of the information gaps then please contact  ‘The Editor’.  Your input would be greatly appreciated.




Thought to be 1954-55.  52B ‘A’ Coy.  Seated 3rd from Left is CSM Hippersley.  7th from the Left is A/CSM ‘Solly’ Joel.

Information added 1st January 2013.

Thanks to Brian Paton 52A who pointed out that this photo is already on site and is included in the photo album of Derek Oakey 52B with a full list of names.  The date still needs to be confirmed and then this copy can be deleted.






A Sgt Bill Weedon wo

A/Sgt Bill Weedon 54B.  Presentation on the Passing Out Parade day on the 18th July 1957.  General Sir Robert Mansergh did the honours.  In the background is the Provost Sgt Fred Silver of the K.R.R.C.

John ‘Doc’ Houghton 56B added some more names. Between Bill and the General is the Adjutant, Major Ezra Rhodes (The King’s Regiment?). Behind Fred Silver is WO1 (RCM) John Sallis, Royal Horse Guards. One figure still to identify.



doug 53b matthews wo

Doug Matthews 53B now resident in Australia.



young fred silver

A young Provost Sgt. Fred Silver K.R.R.C.



VM 53B wo

Information added 1st January 2013.

Derek Breeze 53B has provided some names for these 53B Vehicle Mechanics.

Rear Row: 1.(wearing Beret) n/k, 2.(top of head) Derek Breeze, 3. Bob Driscoll.

Centre Row: 1. n/k, 2. Jones, 3. Harry Burge, 4. Jack Quigley, 5. Tom Spurs, 6.Dan Rennie.

Front Row: 1. Jim Ainger or Ken Chambers, 2. n/k (could be Mick Harrold).



Mike Jackson wo

Mike Jackson?




? ? ? ? ?



Photo below added 1st November 2014.


dragoonbnd_500 wo 2

The location is the sports area alongside the main hall / gymnasium at the Arborfield Army Apprentices (or maybe Technical?) School.  What follows is pure speculation.  A joint music and P.E. display with a large military band which could include the school band and one of the regimental bands that were based at the camp at different times.  The front group in white P.E. kit appear to have a female figure standing one pace to the rear.  The second group to the rear appear to be older and taller when compared with the P.T.S.I standing alongside.  At the back are troops with rifles at the slope.  Could it be following on from a Passing Out Parade?  On the mast appears to be a flag flying at half mast or being lowered / raised.  Given the vagaries of the English weather It would probably be during the summer months.

One possibility is mentioned in the school magazine ‘Arborfield Apprentice’ issued in December 1948.  On page 342 is a report of the P.O.P. of Intake 45B  held on the 17th of August 1948 which notes the inclusion of several innovations, one being, after lunch, a ‘P.T. display with the co-operation of the school band’.

If anybody can fill in the real answers ‘The Editor’ would be very relieved to add them to the photo.



Photo below added 1st June 2017.

This photo was spotted on e-bay and copied.  The date would be between 1939 and 1946, when the ‘Arborfield Army Technical School (Boys)’ was the title of the school.  It would be interesting if we could find out some more detail to add to it. It’s a long shot but who are the lads?  What year or intake?  When and what trade would be instructed in Electroplating?  The quality of the photo is not good so I have put the information below it.  The seller thought that perhaps it had been removed from a book or magazine.  If anybody can help with information or clues, please contact   ‘The Editor’.


The text reads ‘Young soldiers receiving instruction in electroplating at the Army Technical School, Arborfield, Berks’.




First Published: 1st December 2012.

Latest Update: 1st June 2017.











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