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This New Year starts somewhat on a down note. Due to ongoing concerns for his health, and having regards to the advice of his medical team, George Millie 49B, founder of this web site, has made the decision to stand down from any administrative or editorial duties associated with the Arborfield & The September 49ers web site. This is not a decision George will have taken lightly, even though it will be a big wrench to stand aside. I feel deeply for him but his health is of paramount importance and so I can but acknowledge his decision and wish him many more years to enjoy his family and get to know his new Great Grandchild Koby.

For the time being I will have sole responsibility for running the 49ers. I see no reason to change the style or format of the web site, it has stood the test of time over the near eight years past. With regard to any minor adjustments that may come about, the test applied will always be the question “Will George approve?” Working as the Editor for the past two years I think I have a good understanding of what will meet George’s approval. Over a much longer period I have come to value highly George’s friendship and will be making sure that we stay in touch on our personal level.

When George started the site back in 2001 it was just to be a place to record the details and stories of the September 1949 (49B) intake. However, like Topsy, it grew and grew as more Arborfield lads wanted to record their experiences, warts and all. I don’t think he would have envisaged the size and diversity of the site as it is today, and that is a true testament to the dedication with which George took on the task. I now have to try and live up to those standards, I live in hope.

Stand Easy George, job well done mate.

Trevor Stubberfield 52A (Andy Dickson 66B)

The Editor



Published: 1st January 2009






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