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The Eleventh Hour, of the Eleventh Day, of the Eleventh Month

of the Year 2016.


And Nations of the Free World shall fall silent in Honour of those who made the Supreme Sacrifice in defence of that Freedom.


We remember them all, yet let us keep a corner in our hearts especially for those of our comrades whose service began through the gates of the school of the

 Arborfield Army Apprentices.



 We young men of England


We young men of England

 From north, south, east or west

 Joined up today together

 We want to be the best.


 We young men of England

 Have made the grade at last

 Now they call us soldiers

 The time has gone so fast.


 We young men of England

 From north, south, east or west

 Are all as one and friends now

 Whoever would have guessed?


 We young men of England

 Do our duty strong and proud

 For we are England’s soldiers

 With battle cries so loud.


 We young men of England

 Now go to face the test

 Our heads held high and happy

 For we are England’s best.


 We young men of England

 Have aged before our time

 The happiness has gone now

 Along with friends of mine.


 We young men of England

 Faced those from far off lands

 Now some of us remain there

 In fields and desert sands.


 We young men of England

 Youth lost because of war

 No longer will we see them

 Friends gone for ever more.


 We young men of England

 Are older now, but still

 Remember those we left behind

 And, we always will.



Author unknown.



They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them,

We will remember them.





 Published: 8th November 2016.










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