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Reg HARPER (51A) – 70th Birthday


Contributed by: George MILLIE (49B)



12th November, 2005


Photographs: Margaret PECK


Marion Millie (back to camera) in conversation with Dusty Ashman


Robin and Jeanette Lamont


Reg Harper – the only bloke on the planet who can look a bit blurred on iced tea



Photographs: Roy Dusty ASHMAN


Vera Harper


Reg in deep contemplation – or taking an afternoon nap


The presentation – George Millie, Reg Harper, Roy Ashman, Gerry Peck


George Millie, Reg Harper, Gerry Peck


Robin Jock Lamont, Roy Dusty Ashman

Gerry Peck, Reg Harper, George Millie


Reg’s birthday cake


Published: November 2005