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Memories of Libya 1956 to 1959


Edited by Trevor STUBBERFIELD 52A


Libyan Extras Continued.


Photos and comments by John Doggett, Royal Engineers.


22 Field Engineer Regiment, Gialo Barracks, Tripoli.


Contemporary Publications.


Editor’s Note.

The ‘Sunday Ghibli’ was a local English language weekly newspaper, a ‘must read’ for anybody wanting to keep up with what was going on in Tripoli and the district of Tripolitania.  It covered both civilian and military matters along with guides to the entertainment available to one and all.

The articles and adverts provide a fascinating look back at a very different Libya, some sixty plus years ago.







Page 4 (Left hand columns).












Pages 4 & 5 (Centre columns).






Page 5 (Right hand columns).



















First Published: 1st July 2018.

Revised and Latest Update: 1st August 2018.





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